Monday, January 27, 2020
Cascade Of Service Delivery Options Education Essay
Cascade Of Service Delivery Options Education Essay The basic signal behind IDEA was to enable the disable to have equivalent access to education. It enables protection of the rights of disabled kids, their parents, and over all education of these families in United States. There are six main components of the original 1975 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The first is Entitlements and Allocations and this component provided the plan in order to implement the program. The Eligibility was the second component that provided the regulations for schools in order to implement IDEA. This Eligibility contributed more to the regulations of schools. Third is Application which is about uses and applications of cash within the program. This was also the essential component of IDEA. The Fourth component was Procedure and Safeguards that offered safeguards for almost everyone under project and hence this component protected the projects. Fifth component was the Evaluation evaluates students entering the program and the final and sixth component deals with the Payments. The sixth component focused the certain proposal. There can be several types of interventions in the system to aid disabled children in getting education and training. Pre-referral interventions were used to make the outline and facilities to students in order to reduce the stress of students. There can be several types of interventions in the system to aid disabled children in getting education and training. IDEA ensures that the child receives an appropriate, inclusive, multidisciplinary evaluation and assessment.à Multidisciplinary is the evaluation group that evaluates childrens speech and skills. Norm-referenced interventions help evaluate student skills and class using normal distribution methodology. Criterion-referenced tests benefit when comparing the performance to a set standard criteria. It helps find if the student has the special skill set or the knowledge required. IDEA Theà Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is abbreviation of a law that summarizes rights and regulations of the disabled students needing special education in the U.S. This law enables all disabled children to aà Free Appropriate Public Education in theà Least-Restrictive Environment (What is I.D.E.A.? 2010).and also this law provided the refute services and other facilities to the development of children. Components OF IDEA 1975 (PL 94-142) There were six key components in original IDEA 1975. The first component Entitlements and Allocations guides the states how to apply the IDEA program. This Entitlement and Allocations provided the details to students in order to gather the implemented program assistance. The second component is the Eligibility that defined the instructions for the schools to work out this program and they must have this program in definite specific dates for the disabled students of specific ages (Protecting Students with Disabilities, n.d.). Program guided the children by means of delivering the requirements and implementing the services for the implemented projects or program. It likewise states that the government is liable for providing all these propositions to the children. The third component is about monetary aspects where its first part deals with uses of money and the applications in program (Mauro, 2012). Second part is about assurances that services and money are all the public property and the third part facts the exchange of the info. State educational agencies are required to provide the details of the disabled students who expected the services. The fourth component Procedures and Safeguards protects every one contributing in IDEA program. This permits the parents along with the guardians to for interpreting the accounts of students thats why children can get the guaranteed rights. Procedures and systems are followed by Evaluation, the fifth component and finally there is sixth component Payments that required the Commissioner to provide certain proposals in script for evaluation by the Committee, representatives and the board on Labor and Public Welfare of the Senate. PL 99-457 Key Components This reauthorization enables any disabled child for getting the early intervention programs. It allows the babies, infants and their families with an adapted family facility plan. These effects mostly focused on the children with certain disabilities. It is first reauthorization of Act after 1975 for the improved care of the schooling of the infants and babies having definite problems. PL 101-476 Key Components Second alteration was made in 1990 called PL 101-476. It mainly focused in switching the word handicapped with the term disabled. This augmented the privacy level of such disabled students. This plan also implemented several facilities in order to make the satisfaction to students. Consequently the schooling level of such pupils will be impressively improved. This key component influenced more on handicapped students effectively. PL-105-17 Key Components This was the essential action that helped to the handicapped students by resolving the educational problems. It was the third action plan telling that the parents will have the rights to resolve the educational matters for their disabled kids. It helps stay informed about routine of their child thus enabling parents to get regular notifications and participate in mediation. PL- IDEA 2004: PL 108-446 Key Components This amendment of PL 108-446 was made in the year 2004. This amendment is based on first time tutoring services for the disabled children. This amendment also focused on the disabled students demanding help for doing their education. Hence these disabled children can be motivated. Thus the disabled students will be benefitted away from their educational agencies. This will also offer more flexibility and control over the education of the disabled students. Pre-referral interventions Pre-referral interventions are for parents that know that their child is stressed in school. Pre-referral interventions outline a number of facilities and programs that may be there to benefit these children prosper before they are appraised for special education (Cortiella, 2012). MULTI-DISCIPLINARY TEAM IDEA necessitates a disabled child should receive an appropriate, inclusive, multidisciplinary evaluation and assessment.à The objective of the evaluation and assessment is to find out the nature of disabled childs strengths, interruptions, difficulties, and if he/she qualifies for early intervention facilities (What is a multidisciplinary evaluation and assessment? n.d.). Multidisciplinary is the evaluation group made up of capable people with different areas of training and experience so that they know about childrens speech and skills. Norm-referenced and criterion-referenced tests This test provided the contribution to students by means of delivering higher ranking. The results are often depiction of normal distribution that requires a few topers and a few failures. The majority of the class however lies in the middle of the evaluation report (Danielle, 2008). The Norm-referenced tests are designed to compare the performance of one student with that of the other and this technique helps in ranking of the students. On the other hand, Criterion-referenced tests help compare the performance to criteria set earlier. It also helped for determining if the student has the special skill set or the knowledge required (Danielle, 2008). Individualized Education Plan The individualized education program assists disabled students to succeed in their educational endeavors. It describes the aims the team sets for a kid during the school year, along with any special sustenance needed to help reach them (Mauro, 2012). Hence this plan helped to the handicapped or disabled students to come back effectively. Cascade of service delivery options Cascade of service delivery guides the placement options for disabled students along the education field. It is opposite to least restrictive environment concept that guides to students an inclusive environment. This service delivery option was used to promote the educational fields of children. CONCLUSION IDEA offers legal guidelines and protections for disabled children, their families and schools to guarantee their right to a free and suitable public education (Protecting Students with Disabilities, n.d.). Law states that children with disabilities must not be starved of the same chances offered to everyone else; everybody gets right of entry to public education and consequently so should children with disabilities. Hence the children with disabilities as well as their parents must be facilitated so that they can achieve a better destiny having themselves equipped with proper education and training.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Main Objectives of Financial Management
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT The main objectives of financial management are:- 1. Profit maximization : The main objective of financial management is profit maximization. The finance manager tries to earn maximum profits for the company in the short-term and the long-term. He cannot guarantee profits in the long term because of business uncertainties. However, a company can earn maximum profits even in the long-term, if:- i. The Finance manager takes proper financial decisions. ii. He uses the finance of the company properly. 2.Wealth maximization : Wealth maximization (shareholders' value maximization) is also a main objective of financial management. Wealth maximization means to earn maximum wealth for the shareholders. So, the finance manager tries to give a maximum dividend to the shareholders. He also tries to increase the market value of the shares. The market value of the shares is directly related to the performance of the company. Better the performance, higher is the market value o f shares and vice-versa. So, the finance manager must try to maximise shareholder's value. . Proper estimation of total financial requirements : Proper estimation of total financial requirements is a very important objective of financial management. The finance manager must estimate the total financial requirements of the company. He must find out how much finance is required to start and run the company. He must find out the fixed capital and working capital requirements of the company. His estimation must be correct. If not, there will be shortage or surplus of finance. Estimating the financial requirements is a very difficult job.The finance manager must consider many factors, such as the type of technology used by company, number of employees employed, scale of operations, legal requirements, etc. 4. Proper mobilisation : Mobilisation (collection) of finance is an important objective of financial management. After estimating the financial requirements, the finance manager must d ecide about the sources of finance. He can collect finance from many sources such as shares, debentures, bank loans, etc. There must be a proper balance between owned finance and borrowed finance.The company must borrow money at a low rate of interest. 5. Proper utilisation of finance : Proper utilisation of finance is an important objective of financial management. The finance manager must make optimum utilisation of finance. He must use the finance profitable. He must not waste the finance of the company. He must not invest the company's finance in unprofitable projects. He must not block the company's finance in inventories. He must have a short credit period. 6. Maintaining proper cash flow : Maintaining proper cash flow is a short-term objective of financial management.The company must have a proper cash flow to pay the day-to-day expenses such as purchase of raw materials, payment of wages and salaries, rent, electricity bills, etc. If the company has a good cash flow, it can take advantage of many opportunities such as getting cash discounts on purchases, large-scale purchasing, giving credit to customers, etc. A healthy cash flow improves the chances of survival and success of the company. 7. Survival of company : Survival is the most important objective of financial management.The company must survive in this competitive business world. The finance manager must be very careful while making financial decisions. One wrong decision can make the company sick, and it will close down. 8. Creating reserves : One of the objectives of financial management is to create reserves. The company must not distribute the full profit as a dividend to the shareholders. It must keep a part of it profit as reserves. Reserves can be used for future growth and expansion. It can also be used to face contingencies in the future. 9.Proper coordination : Financial management must try to have proper coordination between the finance department and other departments of the company . 10. Create goodwill : Financial management must try to create goodwill for the company. It must improve the image and reputation of the company. Goodwill helps the company to survive in the short-term and succeed in the long-term. It also helps the company during bad times. 11. Increase efficiency : Financial management also tries to increase the efficiency of all the departments of the company.Proper distribution of finance to all the departments will increase the efficiency of the entire company. 12. Financial discipline : Financial management also tries to create a financial discipline. Financial discipline means:- i. To invest finance only in productive areas. This will bring high returns (profits) to the company. ii. To avoid wastage and misuse of finance. 13. Reduce cost of capital : Financial management tries to reduce the cost of capital. That is, it tries to borrow money at a low rate of interest.The finance manager must plan the capital structure in such a way that the c ost of capital it minimised. 14. Reduce operating risks : Financial management also tries to reduce the operating risks. There are many risks and uncertainties in a business. The finance manager must take steps to reduce these risks. He must avoid high-risk projects. He must also take proper insurance. 15. Prepare capital structure : Financial management also prepares the capital structure. It decides the ratio between owned finance and borrowed finance. It brings a proper balance between the different sources of. apital. This balance is necessary for liquidity, economy, flexibility and stability. How are financial market and financial services regulated in India? In this context briefly examine the role of SEBI? Financial regulators in India have been obligated to inter alia undertake the development of the market. This has been expressively incorporated in the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) Act, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Irda) Act, and is propo sed in the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority Bill (PFRDA) since reintroduced in the Rajya Sabha.The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), until the constitution of sector regulators like Sebi, Irda, etc, undertook the responsibility of developing various segments of the financial market. Setting up of institutions like the Industrial Development Bank of India ( IDBI), Unit Trust of India (UTI), National Housing Bank (NHB) and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development ( Nabard) and so on, establishes historical track of the role played by the RBI in the development of the financial markets.At the conclusion of my presentation as Sebi chairman in one of the Neemrana Conferences; an annual event jointly organised by the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) and the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), US, Martin Feldstein, the then-chairman of NBER, asked me how could Indian capital market undergo so many fast-paced reforms (after the 2001 marke t scam), and was visibly surprised to hear that Sebi has been legislatively obligated to develop the market as well and eventually became the driver of development.Market and its constituents were persuaded, albeit compelled, to march along the route charted out by the regulator. Here, it might be worthwhile to reflect on the growth and development of the insurance, asset management and pension markets, which has been stagnating for the last three years. The market participants in all the sectors bemoan that the growth has been torpedoed by the fast-paced regulatory changes ushered in by the concerned regulators.The regulatory authorities, on the other hand, profess that the regulatory changes were warranted to protect the interest of the investors. It has also been argued, on occasions, that the environment and functioning of the market necessitated the changes to prevent possible scam and/or the market collapse. However, it appears significant part of the reform's inspiration has been drawn from the practices in the developed markets and even thelocalisation, albeit customisation, has not been woven in some of the areas.The questions that prominently surface are: (a) whether regulatory changes have helped or adversely impacted the growth and development of the market, and (b) whether investors' interests have actually been protected. Answers to these questions would require putting the ethos of the market in perspective. There is no gainsaying that financial illiteracy is rampant in the country. The malaise is not limited to rural and/or the illiterate masses. Low level of understanding of financial products and lack of self-propelled actualisation to buy is widespread even among the educated elite in metropolitan towns.Groping deeper in the basket of reforms reveals that sudden and drastic reduction or elimination of intermediation fees seems to have had lethal impact on the existence and sustainability of the intermediaries' structure ââ¬â both tied an d third party. Some have gone out of business ââ¬â the number of insurance agents has gone down by over three lakh during the last year alone ââ¬â and quite a few others are on brink of disengagement. The imposition of the regulatory direction of customer paying the fees for the advice as against the age-old practice of being woven in the pricing could not be absorbed.This is just an example of what choked the growth of the mutual fund industry. Savings and disposable incomes are finding their way into the ââ¬Ëgold rush' notwithstanding prices going through the roof. Investment in gold does not add to the growth of economy, as it is a locked investment and very little leveraging is done. It is well understood that the regulator has to architect a framework that ensures efficient functioning of the market and protects investors' interests. However, this has to be achieved without impacting the growth and development of the market, at least in medium-to-long term.Contractio n of growth in a developing economy has the potential of a double whammy. The economy does not get the required resources; impacting the GDP growth and rise in disposable incomes, culminating into deceleration of financial market with multiple cascading effects. The savers miss the opportunity of profiting from the potentials of the economy. In fact, it is customary in most developed markets to undertake a pre-study of the cost of regulatory changes with an evaluation of the benefits to judge the trade of between cost and benefits.The level of development of financial markets suggests that it is time for Indian regulators to begin the practice of undertaking such an exercise before embarking upon designing and implementing the new regulatory regime. At this point in time when the economy needs to grow at a level higher than 8. 5%, the growth of the financial sectors, which is critical, has to be ensured. It is an accepted dictum that securing an aspired rate of GDP growth requires r oughly four times that rate as investment. The financial services industry is the enabler.A revisit of the regulatory craft is imminently desirable. Explain role of SEBI in regulating Indian Capital Market more deeply with following points: 1. Power to make rules for controlling stock exchange : SEBI has power to make new rules for controlling stock exchange in India. For example, SEBI fixed the time of trading 9 AM and 5 PM in stock market. 2. To provide license to dealers and brokers : SEBI has power to provide license to dealers and brokers of capital market. If SEBI sees that any financial product is of capital nature, then SEBI can also control to that product and its dealers.One of main example is ULIPs case. SEBI said, â⬠It is just like mutual funds and all banks and financial and insurance companies who want to issue it, must take permission from SEBI. â⬠3. To Stop fraud in Capital Market : SEBI has many powers for stopping fraud in capital market. ââ¬â It ca n ban on the trading of those brokers who are involved in fraudulent and unfair trade practices relating to stock market. ââ¬â It can impose the penalties on capital market intermediaries if they involve in insider trading. 4.To Control the Merge, Acquisition and Takeover the companies : Many big companies in India want to create monopoly in capital market. So, these companies buy all other companies or deal of merging. SEBI sees whether this merge or acquisition is for development of business or to harm capital market. 5. To audit the performance of stock market : SEBI uses his powers to audit the performance of different Indian stock exchange for bringing transparency in the working of stock exchanges. 6. To make new rules on carry ââ¬â forward transactions : a.Share trading transactions carry forward can not exceed 25% of broker's total transactions. b. 90 day limit for carry forward. 7. To create relationship with ICAI : ICAI is the authority for making new auditors of c ompanies. SEBI creates good relationship with ICAI for bringing more transparency in the auditing work of company accounts because audited financial statements are mirror to see the real face of company and after this investors can decide to invest or not to invest. Moreover, investors of India can easily trust on audited financial reports.After Satyam Scam, SEBI is investigating with ICAI, whether CAs are doing their duty by ethical way or not. 8. Introduction of derivative contracts on Volatility Index : For reducing the risk of investors, SEBI has now been decided to permit Stock Exchanges to introduce derivative contracts on Volatility Index, subject to the condition that; a. The underlying Volatility Index has a track record of at least one year. b. The Exchange has in place the appropriate risk management framework for such derivative contracts. 2.Before introduction of such contracts, the Stock Exchanges shall submit the following: i. Contract specifications ii. Position and Exercise Limits iii. Margins iv. The economic purpose it is intended to serve v. Likely contribution to market development vi. The safeguards and the risk protection mechanism adopted by the exchange to ensure market integrity, protection of investors and smooth and orderly trading. vii. The infrastructure of the exchange and the surveillance system to effectively monitor trading in such contracts, and viii. Details of settlement procedures & systems ix.Details of back testing of the margin calculation for a period of one year considering a call and a put option on the underlying with a delta of 0. 25 & -0. 25 respectively and actual value of the underlying. 9. To Require report of Portfolio Management Activities : SEBI has also power to require report of portfolio management to check the capital market performance. Recently, SEBI sent the letter to all Registered Portfolio Managers of India for demanding 10. To educate the investors : Time to time, SEBI arranges scheduled workshops to educate the investors. On 22 may 2010 SEBI imposed workshop.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Prison Rape
Prison Rape is no secret in todayââ¬â¢s society. The American media has portrayed prison rape as a joke (Donââ¬â¢t drop the soap) in countless films, television shows, and in music, but have not realized the extent of how dangerous this crime is. Some cops even use this method as a means to get a confession from a suspect. A major obstacle in solving Prison rape is the notorious under-reporting of the crime. Only 16 percent of prison rape victims report their victimization. Reasons for under reporting are fear of consequences, shame, guilt, embarrassment, and refuse to relive painful details. This paper explores prison rape and its psychological and physical harm to not only inmates, but to society as well. It also discusses recent efforts to put a stop to prison rape, such as the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 and The National Prison Rape Elimination Commission (NPREC) as well as organizations such as Just Detention International (JDI). Prison Rape is known as sexual intercourse through use of force, intimidation, and threats within prisons. Overcrowding and insufficient staffing are key contributors to prison rape. Most targets of prison sexual assault are young, small, non-violent, first-time offenders. A study of four mid-western states found that 1 in 5 inmates experience some form of pressure or coerced sexual contact while incarcerated. In most cases inmates sexually abuse other inmates. There are also less common cases where correction officers abuse inmates. Americans today tend to believe that this is much more prevalent in female prisons, however there is evidence that women are indeed raped by other female inmates as well and it can cause long term injuries. In a study pertaining to three Mid-western female prisons, 27 percent of the inmate population confessed to being sexually coerced. Although it is no secret male correction officers are sexually abusing female inmates, little to nothing has been done to reduce the male officer rate in female facilities. During Human Rights Watchââ¬â¢s examination of five prisons, the organization discovered that lesbian and transgendered inmates were more likely to be sexually assaulted by correctional officers. Officers target these groups because they want to enforce gender stereotypes. According to Calhoun and Coleman, inmates say about 20 percent of prison guards sexually coerce inmates. Inmates raped by correction officers usually do not report the crime because they are frequently disbelieved which only contributes to the problematic relationship between inmates and officers. According to the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape (PCAR): â⬠¢Rates of HIV are 3 times higher inside prisons then outside of one. â⬠¢Female inmates have been impregnated because of staff sexual abuse. Male rape survivors become much more violent upon release which may ever conclude in them raping others. â⬠¢Many survivors blame themselves, â⬠¢Experience psychological consequences. HIV is not the only disease common in prison rape. Rape victims are more susceptible to diseases such as Syphilis and Hepatitis then the outside community. The rate of Hepatitis C among the general population is 1. 8%, while 14% of New Yorkââ¬â¢s prison population is infected with the disease. Even more so, 33% of Californiaââ¬â¢s prison population is infected with the disease. It is obvious that the disease mentioned, are all sexually transmitted diseases (STD). The assault, anger, and violence in these attacks make these diseases so much more susceptible because there is blood and other bodily fluids being exchanged. Even inmates performing consensual sex in prison still have a higher rate of these diseases due to they lack of safe sex procedure such as condoms. This can have a major effect society as a whole because once a victim of prison rape is release, they can carry these diseases without even know and spreading it to the general public. I believe if there were educational programs about STDs and STD testing in prisons, there might be a good chance prison rape can decline. If a rapist is aware that STDs are more common in prisons rather then the public and that his actions can result in him contracting an STD, he might re consider raping another victim. Contrary to popular belief sexually transmitted diseases are not the only physical harm victims of prison rape endure. Many rape victims endure broken bones, broken noses, bruises, cuts, concussions, and the obvious genital injuries. Sexual assaults also increases violent behavior in prisons because inmates who feel like they may be a future target of sexually assault, defend themselves, and lash out in these violent rages and fights to establish themselves with a ââ¬Å"tough guyâ⬠reputation to prevent any sexual misconduct from other inmates. Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun once said, ââ¬Å"Prison rape not only threatens the lives of those who fall prey to their aggressors, but it is potentially devastating to the human spirit. Shame, depression, and a shattering loss of self-esteem accompany the perpetual terror the victim thereafter must endure. â⬠Victims do not only suffer physical consequence due to these rapes. It is very common for victims to develop psychological illnesses as well. Victims of prison sexual assault frequently suffer from rape trauma syndrome or post traumatic stress disorder. Upon release of prison some victims will turn to substance abuse to cope with the emotion and mental damage while incarceration. In some instances victims have been reported to committing suicide, which only adds to fatality factor of this crime. There are some cases in which the victim became so used to being in a homosexual relationship while incarcerated, resulting in him/her to change their sexual orientation. Although homosexuality is not a negative psychological disease, the complete change in sexual orientation itself, due to this rape is not a healthy way to live. Some studies have shown that victims released from jail become much more sexually violent with the female partners. Incarcerated individuals who were raped and psychologically harmed pose as a threat to society because studies have shown that once they are release they become much more violent and anti-social then before they were incarcerated which ultimately make them more susceptible to creating more crimes. One of the worse social effects prison rape can have on the public is racism. According to G. J. Knowles black offenders and white victims are more common in male prisons while white offenders and black victims are more common in female prisons. Overtime victims begin to feel a hatred for the offender, which can evolve to a hatred for the offenderââ¬â¢s race. Many of the stated problems resulting from prison rape have been used to form movements and organizations to stop prison rape. On September 4th, 2003 President George Bush signed the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREC). It is the first United States law passed dealing with prison rape. PREC was supported by numerous diverse organizations. PREA adopted a ââ¬Å"zero-toleranceâ⬠policy, aimed to diminish prison rape. PREA also increased the penalties of staff members and officers who are found to be sexually abusing inmates. PREA set standards on how to detect and prevent sexual assault in prisons. Through PREA the Department of Justice was ordered to put the prevention of prison rape as a top priority in prison throughout the United States. The Bureau Of Justice was also order to produce an annual report on prison rape. The DOJ as came up with a review panel that strictly dealt with hearings pertaining to prison rapes. There were also a few bureaus under the Department of Justice such as The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) whose primary role is to award grant funds to state governments for addressing inmate sexual assault, The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) whose role is to research the impact of sexual abuse in prison rape victims, as well as investigating and prosecuting offenders of prison rapes, and The Nation Institute of Corrections (NIC) which trains and educate agencies and correction officers to help reduce sexual abuse in prisons. PREA also fought out to protect the Eighth Amendment (cruel and unusual punishment not me inflicted) right of local, state and federal prisons. One of the most important results of the PREA was the birth of the National Prison Rape Elimination Commission (NPREC). Perkââ¬â¢s mission is to study local, state, and federal government policies and practices on sexual misconduct with in prisons. The commission reports their conclusions and findings to The Congress, The President, and many more important agencies pertaining to this issue. NPREC had 9 commissioners, 3 appointed by the president and 6 appointed by congress. Federal judge Reggie Walton was the commissioner. Other appointed members were John Kaneb, James Aiken, Jamie Felner, Brenda Smith, Gus Puryear, Pat Nolan, and Cindy Struckman-Johnson. Each candidate supplied surveys and in depth analysis of prison rape. Members of the commission research the relationship between prison inmates and the conditions in which they live. There have been other efforts, such as, the House Bill No. 642 try to eliminate prison rapes. Connecticut State Representative Pat Dillon says two types of people are usually targeted in prison, Non-Violent offenders and inmates of small stature. Dillon statesthat simple procedure can be done to prevent a rape attack. She quotes ââ¬Å" You donââ¬â¢t take a 120 pound non-violent offender and put him in a cell with a 200 pound sex offender. â⬠On one hand I agree with Dillonââ¬â¢s idea of matching cellmates according to stature. But on the other hand I insist that this is not a matter that can be easily prevented. Yes separating cellmates due to stature works but it will most certainly no solve the ongoing battle with prison rape. It is a much more complicated situation. One of the main thresholdââ¬â¢s to the development of the Prison Rape Elimination Act, was a paper released two years earlier by the Human Rights Watch, titled ââ¬Å"No Escape: Male rape in the USâ⬠. Joanne Marnier was the head author of this paper and had advertisements put in prison magazines such as Prison Legal news and Prison Life Magazine. After having these advertisements out, Mariner received letters containing graphic accounts of inmates being sexually assaulted and was very detailed. ââ¬Å"No Escapeâ⬠surveyed prison systems in 34 states. According to ââ¬Å"No Escapeâ⬠prisons ran by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice have the worst incidents of prison rapes. Prior to the release of ââ¬Å"No Escapeâ⬠there were very few studies of prison rape. This paper is noted at the stepping-stone to publicizing how brutal and inhumane these rapes are. In my opinion PREA is a brilliant idea in way to approach this devastating situation, however more need to be done. Because most inmates who were sexually abused will not admit to their abuse, there is a lack in how much help can actually be given. I believe in order to fully solve this prison rape issue, we must first solve the under reported factor of this crime. There have been other organization and movements to stop prison rape. Just Detention International (JDI) is an anti-prison rape organization, created in 1980 by Russell Smith. The original name of the organization was founded as People Organized to Stop the Rape of Imprisoned Persons (POSRIP). Due to its expansion with other countries, such as South Africa, Mexico, Canada, and The Philippines, the organization changed their name. According to the Just Detention website the founder, Russell Smith as well as many of them members of the organization were members of prison rape and are not paid for their work with the organization. JDI was formed during a time when prisoner rape was not so popular and wasnââ¬â¢t an issue to the public. It was one of the only anti-prison rape groups of its time. JDI played a big role with the Prison Rape Elimination Act and worked with Senators and Representatives. JDI played a prominent role in ensuring the PREA follows through with safety from prison rape. JDI has also helped as support systems for individuals who are recently release from jailed and have survived prison rape. Another supportive organization of anti- prison rape is the Human Rights Watch. HRW was actually even responsible for publishing the ââ¬Å"No Escape: Male Rape in the USâ⬠. HRW ran several studies on prison rape and concluded that at least 140,000 inmates in United States prisons are most likely to get raped. On the human rights website, many articles are written targeting prison rape as an issue as well. In conclusion, prison rape has been a growing problem that has been kept under wraps for several decades. Prison rape has not only affected inmates but the public as well. Prison rapes have left inmates with deadly diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis, and Syphilis. Victims of prison rape also suffer from psychological disorders and are know to become much more violent and anti social upon release Physical and well as psychological harm to the inmate can spread to the general public upon release. There have been recent efforts to suppress prison rape such as the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003, signed by President George Bush. An important factor branching out from the PREA is the National Prison Rape Elimination Commission, which consisted of 9 individuals who studied on the matter extensively. The commission sought to decline prison rape by visiting prisons and checking up on procedure and making sure the laws passed in the PREA are being played out in prisons. Other non-government organizations have been formed to take a stand against prison rape. Organizations such as Just Detention International and the Human Rights Watch have been a strong force to decline prison rape. Although there have been many efforts to ban these heinous acts, I believe more has to be done because at the end of the day, prison rape is still very existent in todayââ¬â¢s prisons.
Friday, January 3, 2020
My Findings From A New Idea Into A Profitable Business Essay
In this paper, I will be talking about my findings from this past month on being an entrepreneur. I n addition, I will touch base on Nikki Durkin and her epic failure with 99 dresses along with lessons learned to be successful. To follow, I will talk about the start up company Garnerââ¬â¢s Garden based out of Maryland and the interview with its owner Phil Garner as he shares his experience. Entrepreneurship can have multiple meanings. Business daily consider it to be a business ventures that shares a commitment to turning an idea into a profitable business (Fernandes, 2016). Bruce Bachenheimer, a clinical professor of management and executive director at Pace university also mentioned At its core, it is a mind-set, a way of thinking and acting. It is about imagining new ways to solve problems and create value. (Fernandes, 2016). I couldnââ¬â¢t have agreed any more as anyone can come up with an idea but implementing it to produce change in the world is where the real work starts. Nikki Durkin, 19 from Australia, is an entrepreneur that thought of an idea that would change womenââ¬â¢s closets. She was thinking of a solution to problem most women experience with their closet. The concept was to give women access to an infinite closet at a fee. 99 Dresses was already successful in her home country Australia but she wanted the U.S. market as well. After numerous investors the market was not stabilizing for her to keep funds circulating. She even re-evaluated the market with primary andShow MoreRelatedMaking Money Online Is Good Or Bad? Essay1582 Words à |à 7 PagesThe idea of making money online is attractive to many, primarily because of the benefits it offers. Making money online is thought to be a hoax to some people, i can assure you it s not as i am living breathing proof of. However I would like to add to all this by saying that making money online is not something that happens miraculously. 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